28 June 2021 by Team Gemini

ISSF World Cup (Osijek): seven Gemini shooters step onto the

Again medals for the athletes relying on Gemini chokes in the Skeet World Cup which is taking place in Osijek (Croatia). On the third day of competitions at the Pampas Shooting Range, several shooters stood out on the fields, achieving further excellent results. Two lands always succeeded in climbing the podium and we were by their side: Italy with Diana Bacosi, Chiara Cainero, Tammaro Cassandro and Domenico Simeone as well as Czech Republic with Jakub Tomecek, Barbora Sumova and Anna Sinderalova. 

As for men's skeet Mameli's anthem echoed thanks to the trio including Tammaro Cassandro, Gabriele Rossetti and Domenico Simeone. After prevailing in the extremely long qualification round which saw them hit an excellent 510 out of 525, the Italian athletes further proved their supremacy in the medal match awarding the top of the podium, thus ending in a stunning score of 6 to 4. The Czech Republic team happened to bear the brunt of it and Jakub Tomecek, equipped with the same chokes used by his Gemini chokes “fellows” Cassandro and Simeone, who managed to show-off his skills as he tried to rise to the strenuously coveted lead, could do nothing but making do with a respectable silver medal.

As to women contest the performance of Diana Bacosi, Chiara Cainero and Chiara Di Marziantonio was equally stunning. The first two shooters aimed to make up for the poor outcomes they incurred in the individual competitions. After reaching the medal match with a score of 480 out of 525, namely the second-highest score in the qualification round, they faced the Russian team in the closing moments. A competition which turned out to be fiercely challenging for both the teams, with weather conditions that mirrored the fervent atmosphere in which the opponents were put to the test. Eventually the contest awarded an excellent silver medal to the Italian athletes, defeated by the score of 7 to 3 in the medal match. The third place of the Czech Republic is also noteworthy, as the shooters Barbora Sumova and Anna Sindelarova overpowered France by the score of 6-0 thus conquering the bronze medal. 

In a nutshell, two Gemini sports crew podiums and seven award-winning shooters! There’s not much more to add, but the deep pleasure to see our athletes  steadily satisfied and winning thanks also to the support of our chokes.
Each of you set a high bar with your latest achievements, we are glad that you belong to our family!