5 July 2021 by Team Gemini

ISSF World Cup (Osijek): Gemini wins three podium placements

After the achievements in skeet, the winning streak continues also in the trap for shooters relying on Gemini. The team finals of this World Cup leg open the last competition day of these challenging weeks that have seen Osijek (Croatia) host the internationally top-ranked shooters before the upcoming Tokyo Olympics. France stands out in the men event while Great Britain in the women one, however many athletes provided with our chokes climb the podium.

As for men a first place bearing all the hallmarks of Gemini with Antonin Desert, Clement Borgue and Sebastien Guerrero. The French trio defeats the Czech Republic 6-4 as well as the "sports crew fellows using the same chokes" David Kostelecky and Jiri Liptak thanks to Pavel Vanek. On the other hand, the British team, led by our Matthew John Coward-Holley, gets beaten by Croatia 6-2 thus missing the podium by inches. 

With regard to women's competition, the performance of our budding Czech athlete Zina Hrdlicova is noteworthy. With Tereza Zaviskova and Lea Kucerova, the team finishes the final third beating Slovakia by a neat 6-0. Great Britain, which manages to prevail over Russia by 6-4, gets to the highest step of the podium.

Congratulations to all of our athletes for the results obtained, we are happy that you belong to our family which anew showed off gaining the top placements! This second stage of the World Cup is coming to an end with Friday's mixed trap event. Next stop? Tokyo Olympics … Gemini is galvanized and once again ready to shore up the several athletes achieving a qualifying place to compete at the Five Rings Games. The countdown has begun!