2 September 2019 by Team Gemini

2019 Green Cup: Giulio Fioravanti wins the skeet shooting go

The ninth edition of the Green Cup ends in the best possible way for Giulio Fioravanti, the athlete who has recently joined the Gemini family.

On the Umbrian platform at Massa Martana (Perugia), the roman athlete belonging to the Carabinieri Arm Sports Group has gained access to the final phase boasting an excellent 122 out of 125+4, ranking behind a brilliant Daniele Resca, who qualified with a flawless 125 out of 125. Eager for victory, Fioravanti happened to compete against his rivals till the last clay target, nevertheless managing to get to the top spot of the podium since he achieved a 44 out of 50 as for the last series.
An attainment which is no trivial matter, given the athletes who stepped onto the podium with him: Abdul Ramman Al Faihan (second with 42 out of 50), shooter who represented Kuwait at the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic Games and Matthew Coward Holley (bronze medallist with 34 out of 40), the athlete showing-off his newly awarded world champion title achieved at Lonato del Garda, who uses Gemini chokes.

Yet this is not the only positive result for the twenty-eight-year-old Roman: the national selection formed by Oronzo Rochira, Riccardo Faccani and the same Giulio Fioravanti reached the first place in the team standings ahead of the Australian-British mixed (Willet, Coward Holley, Scott) as well as of the other one, consisting of exclusively Italian atheltes (Resca, Frasca and Fabbrizi).

A weekend that will go down in history for our Giulio! We are glad that he too has become part of the large family of shooters using Gemini chokes.